
This guide walks you through the process of registering your SMART on FHIR app with your Logica Sandbox.

After your app has been successfully launched using a custom launch, you may register it.  When you register your application, you will receive your Logica Sandbox client_id.  You will also be able to supply an app logo, redirect URL, and scopes for your application.  Typically an application is hosted on a company server before registering it.

Inbound (Dynamic) Registration

Manual Registration

Precondition: Create an app manifest

A SMART app manifest is an emerging standard that allows an app to declare registration information within the app bundle or hosting.  A registering system, such as a sandbox or EHR, is able to use the manifest to dynamically register the app. See for details.

  "software_id": "org.logicahealth.bilirubin:bilirubin-risk-chart:1.0-SNAPSHOT",
  "client_name": "Bilirubin Risk Chart",
  "client_uri": "",
  "logo_uri": "",
  "launch_url": "",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "scope": "launch online_access patient/ patient/ patient/Observation.write",
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "none",
  "grant_types": [
  "fhir_versions": [
    "1.0.2", "1.4", "1.6", "1.8"

Precondition: None

Step 1: Select Register Inbound App

From your sandbox instance, select "Apps" - "Register Manifest".

Step 2: Enter Your App Base URL

Enter the base URL of your hosted application.  The hosted app must meet these criteria:

  1. Contains .well-known/smart/manifest.json at the Base URL path
  2. Is hosted on HTTPS
  3. Contains proper CORS headers

Notice that your manifest is used to register your application!

Step 1: Select Register New App Manually

From your sandbox instance, select "Apps" - "Register Manually".

Step 2: Enter Information for Your App