The HSPC Architecture details the requirements to which implementing HSPC enabled applications and platforms adhere. This is a collaborative space to further the work of the spec.

The architecture informs the current version of the HSPC Technical Specification, which implements the architectural principles defined by this Workgroup using open, state of the art technologies.



Architecture WG meeting notes are here.


HSPC Architecture Roadmap 

Details on the HSPC roadmap can be found here.

HSPC Guiding Principles for Architecture Decision Making

The HSPC plays a unique role in the healthcare industry, a provider-led consortium leading the charge to create an open SOA architecture and platform.  To ensure technical decision making is aligned with this charter, the HSPC will establish a set of "guiding principles" based on the collective wisdom of its members, especially this Architecture Workgroup!  

Architectural Methodologies and Models:

