The HSPC Architecture details the requirements to which implementing HSPC enabled applications and platforms adhere. This is a collaborative space to further the work of the spec.

The architecture informs the current version of the HSPC Technical Specification, which implements the architectural principles defined by this Workgroup using open, state of the art technologies.

HSPC Architecture Roadmap Proposals

Horizontal functional service specifications:
Proposed SpecificationDescriptionStatusImplementationsPriorityRelated StandardsUse Cases
Publish & SubscribeCommon mechanism for platforms to publish and consumers to subscribe to useful events occurring inside the platform/EHR.HSPCHL7 EPS, OMG DDS,
(FHIR Subscription model) 
Define a way for platform consumers to raise (write) alerts, reminders and/or notifications inside the platform/EHR.
Should leverage roles, delivery channels, user preferences, etc..
Task Management Traces and manages tasks (e.g. orders), including escalation and delegation     
Server-to-server AuthorizationAllows for headless interactions between application and platforms/EHRsHSPCOAUTH2
Data ObfuscationApplies policies to ensure no sensitive data is transmitted   XCML 
Conformance checkPerforms a syntactic validation on a Resource, checking for conformance against a structural definition FHIR SD, (W3C ShEx) 
TransreptionConverts a resource from a model to another, preserving the semantics of its content    
Identity Management
Record linkageCorrelates records (entries), discovering identities  HL7 IS/IXS 
DirectoryManage an organization's entities and roles   LDAP 
Knowledge / Content Management
Knowledge RepositoryA store for common knowledge artifacts - rules, quality measures, terminologies, etc..    
Terminology serverResolve coded concepts, valuesets and post-coordinated expressions  OMG CTS-2,
FHIR Terminology Service 
Most clinical applications, tools and services
Vertical functional service specifications:
Proposed SpecificationDescriptionStatusImplementationsPriorityRelated StandardsUse Cases
Patient ConsentFilter patient data based on informed consent     
Care Coordination
Master Patient IndexTracks different views of the same patient across multiple systems     
Clinical Pathways and Plans
Pathway EligibilityDetermines whether a patient is a candidate for enrollment     
Pathway EnrollmentCoordinates workflow to ensure a patient is enrolled     
Pathway MonitoringMonitors a patient for compliance w.r.t. a clinical pathway.
Positions a patient w.r.t. the expected course of care, detects deviations
and recommends next steps 
Decision Support
Clinical Decision SupportInvoke CDS logic on a (fragment of the) patient record OpenCDS HL7 DSS 
Proposed SpecificationDescriptionStatusContributorsPriorityRelated StandardsUse Cases
Common Event Definitions    
Common Profiles  CIMI   
Clinical Quality
Common Alerts / Reminders      
Common Order Sets      
Common Cohort Definitions      
Common Quality Measures      
Common Terminology Systems    SNOMED-CT, LOINC, RxNORM