The Technology and Architecture Committee's purpose is to define a technical specification and logical architecture including the service definitions, security model, eventing, and user interface integrations requirements that compliant HSPC platforms will implement and third party application developers will develop their applications against. This is the workspace of the committee and it's various workgroups containing meeting notes, project status, etc.

For documentation of the existing HSPC artifacts such as:

  • Building HSPC applications (tutorials and user forums)
  • Using the HSPC Sandbox
  • Downloading and installing the HSPC reference implementation
  • The HSPC Technical Specification

See our Developer Resources section in the main HSPC space.

The committee provides oversight to three focused workgroups:

HSPC Technical Specification Workgroup

The HSPC Technical Specification Workgroup are creating the spec App Developers and EHR Developers will implement to become HSPC enabled. Find the HSPC Technical Specification here in its current state.

HSPC Reference Implementation Workgroup

The HSPC Reference Implementation Workgroup are working together to build the reference implementation of the HSPC Technical Specification. For current documentation about the existing HSPC Reference Implementation, including how to download, build, and install it, go here.

HSPC Sandboxes Workgroup

The HSPC Sandbox Workgroup are working together to define the requirements of a sandbox, collect useful de-identified clinical data, and host and support a sandbox. For documentation about the current sandboxes go here.